Who are we?
About OdiliaClark
What we do
OdiliaClark is a specialist impairment risk management provider, focused on wellbeing and independent drug and alcohol testing, working to protect organisations from the impact of impaired staff due to substance misuse and poor mental wellbeing.
We offer best-in-class testing solutions that are without equal. Using UK Home Office approved equipment and thorough processes, our services are robust, transparent and fully compliant with regulations. We provide a range of testing options and can tailor our solutions to our clients operational needs.
In addition to our testing services, OdiliaClark believe everyone should have a safety net, especially in environments that are safety critical and stressful. OdiliaClark has developed a proactive and peer-led approach to support that is fully integrated into our clients' organisations. Our extensive network of Peer Support Volunteers have encountered a broad range of life events from addiction, anxiety, health and financial difficulties to many more. They have the skills and knowledge to help clients' staff when they need it most.
Founded in 2018 to address the increasing demand for high quality, independent of laboratory impairment management services, OdiliaClark has partnered with Draeger, the global leader in impairment detection equipment as used by law enforcement in over 80 countries to ensure accurate and fast point of care results. From providing bespoke workplace drug and alcohol testing services inclusive of workforce training and policy development, our services have grown to reflect the growing need to support staff with their wellbeing, not only post testing, but for all areas of impairment and beyond to promote happy and safe workplace cultures.
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Who we are
At OdiliaClark, we believe that everyone should have a safety net.
Through the development of a proactive, anonymous, peer-led support programme for all life events, and robust transparent drug and alcohol testing processes and post finding support programmes, we work with clients to protect their business, and support their employees.
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